Friday, February 27, 2015

Most Effective Protocol Yet

Hi everyone! I just wanted to share what has helped me the most - I have shared this info through video format. There are a hand full of very effective remedies we can use to help eradicate the Lyme from our systems (and other co-infections that go along with it) and that help heal our cells and heal the "path of destruction" that the Lyme has left behind - this protocol is, by far, the most effective thing I've used.

I have come to believe that one of the reasons why we "Lymies" have a hard time recovering is not only because the Lyme are so tricky to deal with - hiding away and breeding away in cyst form when they feel threatened - but I believe that those who have been dealing with Lyme on a chronic level have cells that no longer function like they should.

I wish I could shout this protocol from the roof tops to all people who have struggled with Lyme as I have. If you haven't found an answer yet to your Lyme - please give this a chance.

Here's my Lyme story:

Here's the Lyme Protocol - 5 simple supplements to kill the pathogens and heal the cells.

You can purchase the remedies I talked about from the links below:

Asea Solution

Liquid Light Minerals

Moringa Powder

ACZ Nano

Vitamin D3 - or get a less expensive vitamin D3 from your health food store. Just make sure you're taking some. Dr. Mercola and other doctors I trust suggest taking at least 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day. Those who are deficient in vitamin D3 usually need to take at least 10,000 IU per day for a week and then go to using 5000 IU on a regular basis.

I don't post on this blog much anymore - my efforts have been focused on not only helping support and give advice to Lyme sufferer's everywhere but in helping people prepare for what's to come. You can visit my Healthy Preparedness blog here.