Monday, April 8, 2013

Skirting Freedom

This recent photo says SO much. Really, I was just being silly. 

But even just the fact that I was being silly says so much. If ya know what I mean.

I have felt ready to live. Ready to take on the world. Ready to fly. Ready to have fun. Ready to be less serious. Ready to take life in.

For instance, I went grocery shopping. I had been out shopping, by myself, for three hours and would gleefully giggle while wearing this silly large grin as I pushed my packed cart to the car ... caring very little what other's might be thinking about me.

What's different in this situation than the past?

A) I went grocery shopping. Period.
B) I went alone. (For a couple of years, I couldn't do this alone. Body was too weak mind couldn't think straight.)
C) I was out shopping - for hours.
D) I was out shopping for hours - and felt happy, giddy, and energetic at the end of it all.
E) I was aware of other's around me, of life, of things, of ... shopping!

Life has been different. I'm sillier. I'm annoyingly energetic. I've taken on teaching a variety of classes. I've selected the college I want to go to to obtain my Naturopathic Doctor degree and am ready to tackle it.

Life is good.

It was only one year ago that I began getting the treatments in Pocatello. It was only one year ago I knew I had months left to live.

One small year. So close to exiting this world.

What's changed?

The IV treatments did wonders. The lypo C did wonders. The essential oils did wonders. They brought me to a good point but I've started a new treatment protocol. It requires 1 to 1 1/2 hours of my time every evening. But it gifts me with life the next day and will, one day, be something I won't have to do at all.

I'm still not completely better. There are issues that need addressing outside of the Lyme but I feel free to live life.

And am feeling ... goooood!


  1. Claudia I came across your blog just searching the Internet about lyme. I myself have lyme and what a road it is. It was so interesting reading your symptoms because i have experienced a lot of them too. Doctors told me i was depressed so i went to a homeopath and have made progress since then. I was just curious about the place you went in Pocatello as I'm from Ogden, UT. I also was curious how you used doterra oils and your new treatment protocol. Could you e-mail me at Any new information is helpful! I enjoyed reading your story and it gave me a lot of hope. Thank you. Jenna

  2. Claudia,
    What convinced you that the doTERRA protocol would be helpful? I am currently educating several people who have spent thousands of $$ on other treatments and are hesitant to pay for yet another failure.

    Which oils worked best for you? I am using the Hill protocol of LLV, PB ASSIST, GX ASSIST, Cassia Oregano Clove and Melissa. some Frank and onGuard too.

  3. Michelle - I'm sorry, I didn't see your comment until now. Essentially there are 3 things that convinced me about doTERRA's protocol. 1) Dr. Hill's video about the protocol. 2) The success (and relief from symptoms) I was having while using the protocol and 3) The success a lymie friend of mine was having with it. But really, the doTERRA protocol isn't everything. There's so much more that needs to be incorporated into one's personalized protocol for overcoming Lyme.

    As for the remedies I felt worked best: it was always the same ones: clove, oregano, cassia thyme and (when I could afford it) Melissa. I started using Nature's Fusions essential oils which I feel work 80 - 90% as effectively as doTERRA oils but are half the price. Hope that helps!
