Saturday, March 10, 2012


So what is living with Lyme like? Well, I can list the symptoms

Now, I don't deal with all these symptoms all the time. The spirochete bacteria that make up Lyme are an interesting bacteria.They thrive one day and retreat on others. They have a party in my brain one day and on others thrive in my muscles or joints.

Symptoms? Here they are:

Body Aches throughout back and arms, settling in arm joints
(I have progressed enough that I no longer deal with the body aches. yay!)
Shakiness (neurological)
Tremors (head, hands, arms)
Foggy Brain
Slurred Speech
Disconnection from life and people around me
Neck and shoulder muscle weakness
Aches in certain areas on body for months at a time
Shoulder pain (gone too! had this for 1 1/2 years)
Easily irritated
Inability to process what others are saying to me
(this was the case, many times, on my worst days)
Head Pressure
Head Aches
Distant - lacking genuine emotions about life and others
Strange sensations while walking (unable to feel that I'm walking)
Strange constant visual disturbances (almost like double vision)
Body under constant physical stress of one kind or another

I believe that sums it all up. What would doctors label this as? Fibromyalgia. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Depression. MS.

No, my friends. THIS is LYME.

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